Purchasing a home is one of the biggest investments you will ever make. To make sure that your hard-earned money is spent wisely, you must inspect the property very meticulously. Among the several critical details and features to be assessed is its roofing system, which is a valuable and crucial structural element of the house.
Here are some things related to the roof that you should consider.
Overall Condition of the Roof
A visual inspection of the roof, even from the ground, can give you an idea about its condition. You should look at the roof with a keen eye to see how it is holding up and observe if it is sagging, has curled or missing shingles, or has any other issue that needs to be looked into.
Age of Roofing System
Different types of roofing systems have different lifespans. Before venturing into the real estate market, you and other prospective home buyers should know the estimated life of roofs made of various roofing materials. Armed with this knowledge and enquiring the homeowner about how old the roof is, you can get an idea about how soon you would be going in for re-roofing. It will help you decide on a reasonable offer on the house.
Broken or Missing Shingles
Broken, warped, or missing shingles leave the roof susceptible to water damage. You must make sure that damaged shingles have not yet taken a toll on the roofing system. It is also essential to get the shingles replaced before buying the property.
Water Stains and Mold Spots
It is advisable to check the ceiling of the house (in the upstairs rooms) for water stains or mold/mildew growth that indicates a compromised roof. A fresh coat of paint here is a sign of trouble as this could be an attempt to cover up the water damage.
Ventilation System
An efficient roof ventilation system is essential to maintain a sturdy, healthy home. It is not much good to have a shiny, almost new roofing system without a proper ventilation mechanism to allow air and sunlight in. Poor ventilation does not just cause premature roof deterioration but also creates health hazards with mold buildup.
Shingle Grains in Gutters
Not many people appreciate the importance of inspecting the rain gutters to assess the health of the roofing system. Clogged gutters can mean recent water damage to the roof that is still undetected. Moreover, many shingle grains in the gutters are also an alarming situation as these indicate a weakened protective coating of the roof shingles.
The best way is to hire seasoned professionals for a roof inspection. Make Tedrick’s Roofing your first choice for roof inspection in the Auburn, WA area. Our company offers comprehensive services, installing, cleaning, repairing, and replacing roofs in residential and commercial properties. We are available at (206) 222-3150.