A rainstorm can be detrimental to your roof. It comes with strong, high winds and torrential downpours that can pose a danger to your roofing structure. Even windswept debris and fallen trees can cause dents or punctures on the surface of your roofing material, leading to persistent leaks or possible roof failure. Here are some ways to help your roof stand against severe storms:

Federal Way Shingles
Strong winds can tear off the bottom row of shingles and cause the rest of the layers to lift up along with them. It is important to secure your shingles, especially the bottom part, during installation. This will help in keeping your roof intact during a storm event. Remember to schedule a maintenance visit from a contractor once or twice a year so the pro can check for loose shingles and re-adhere them if necessary.
Federal Way Roof Shingles
Soffits play a vital role in the protection of your home. The soffit is a component that helps in keeping moisture away from the roof, reducing the chances of mold growth and prolonging the life of roofing materials. Make sure the soffit parts are firmly connected to each other so one part cannot start a general failure.
Federal Way Roofing Shingles
Silicone caulk will seal holes where cables, wires and pipes enter or exit the house. These include circuit breaker panels, AC refrigerant, bathroom and kitchen vents, and wall outlets. This will close any gaps or openings where rainwater can seep through and cause moisture damage to the inner structure of your roof or even exterior walls. If this happens, immediately call a professional roofing company to restore your storm-damaged roof.
Tedrick’s Roofing is a leading provider of high-quality roofing and home improvement solutions. We work with residential clients in and around Tacoma, WA, to provide roof cleaning, roof maintenance and wind and storm damage repair. Call us at (206) 824-3440, or fill out our contact form to set an appointment.