Many people face the problem of mold in their homes. It means moisture is present in areas of the home, probably including the underside of the roof. Failure to address the issue may put you and your family members at risk of respiratory illnesses.
Roof Leaks: The Main Cause
Residential roofs require routine inspections and maintenance to ensure their performance. After all, their role is to protect homes against the brunt of inclement weather conditions. Without the benefit of upkeep, they become exposed to the elements, shortening their lifespan and opening them up to more problems, including leaks.
A roof leak may either be obvious or obscure. You know there’s one when water drips from your ceiling and pools on your interior. Finding the original source, however, can sometimes be tricky, especially since water travels along a horizontal beam or plane. Either way, ignoring this issue allows moisture to dampen the material components of your roof and your interior – a perfect environment for mold to grow and multiply.
How to Determine Mold
Even small traces of mold is an indication there’s enough moisture for the organism to grow. You can see it on your ceiling, but you may have to inspect your attic and your roof’s rafters to confirm mold. The surface of your roofing system may also display signs of moisture through dark patches and streaks. Disregard it, and you are looking at an invasion, where mold may affect your clothing, furniture and upholstery.
The presence of this on your roofing system lowers your home’s aesthetic and curb appeal. Depending on severity, mold can also lead to structural damage on your roof due to premature rot. So, address this problem before it’s too late. Contact Tedrick’s Roofing today to obtain a free assessment. Our professional roofers can identify the source of the leak and perform the necessary steps to restore your important investment.
Call (206) 824-3440 or (253) 499-9660 today, or fill out our contact form to request a free, no-obligation estimate. We serve Auburn, WA, residents.